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Posted by on 2015/02/01 under Uncategorized

I am so f***ing sick of having to apologize for people treating me wrong. I apologize for them insulting me. Me me me. It’s always me and I hate it. I hate you.

2 thoughts on “Sick of you

  1. Self Absorbed Narcissist says:

    Meditate. Get Zen. Watch that 70’s Show.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Then stop apologizing.
    It’ll seem hard but if you try it once it’ll be a piece of cake.
    If you start with the apology all of the time then they would never apologize to you evem if ot’s their fault and you’ll have nothing to do about ’cause they’re used to it.
    Don’t let anyone use you.
    I’m not saying NEVER apologize but don’t do it in vain.
    I hope this helps.

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